Ive followed a bunch of different examples regarding using a SELECT in a prepared statement, but nothing is returned.
EDIT I have changed my code a bit to look like this:
$date1 = 2012-01-01;
$date2 = 2012-01-31;
$sql_con = new mysqli('db', 'username', 'password', 'database');
if($stmt = $sql_con->prepare("SELECT eventLogID FROM Country WHERE countryCode=? AND date BETWEEN ? AND ?")){
$stmt->bind_param("sss", $country_code, $date1,$date2);
while ($stmt->fetch()){
Now all the desired entries, except for the first, are added to $row[]. Why isnt the first entry being added?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT 07/2015 (question has been edited since original answer but underlying principles are the same)
Never SELECT *
in a production environment, it will only come back to bite you in weird, unpredictable and seemingly unrelated ways. By specifying the columns you want, you will ensure that column ordering, data-type, constraint and all sorts of other elements won't cause you problems in the long run.
This answer is still mostly valid so I'll leave it here as-is, but the main take-away is: use PDO, it does 98% of the things you'll ever need with a much cleaner and more succinct API over the same back end. If you need a more complex RDBMS-specific API then you'll already understand the problems you have and why you need mysqli etc instead.
doesn't work very well with MySQLi prepared statements. It's one of the major reasons I recommend PDO instead - that and the ridiculous requirement to bind variable references instead of values to the parameters.
This is not binding the result row to a variable, it would just be binding a single column. And because you have used SELECT *
, it doesn't do what you want it to.
If you do want to use MySQLi over PDO (which, as I say, I would recommend) there are a few good examples of how to SELECT *
in the comments like this one on the bind_result()
manual page.
Or you can just specify the columns you want to retrieve:
$sql_con = new mysqli('db', 'username', 'password', 'database');
if($stmt = $sql_con->prepare("SELECT name, countryCode FROM Country WHERE countryCode = ?")) {
$stmt->bind_param("s", $country_code);
$stmt->bind_result($name, $countryCode);
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
// Because $name and $countryCode are passed by reference, their value
// changes on every iteration to reflect the current row
echo "<pre>";
echo "name: $name\n";
echo "countryCode: $countryCode\n";
echo "</pre>";
EDIT based on your new code, you should be doing this:
// $date1 will be int(2010), $date2 will be int(1980) because you didn't
// quote the strings!
//$date1 = 2012-01-01;
//$date2 = 2012-01-31;
// Connect to DB
$sql_con = new mysqli('db', 'username', 'password', 'database');
// Check for connection errors here!
// The query we want to execute
$sql = "
FROM Country
WHERE countryCode = ?
// Attempt to prepare the query
if ($stmt = $sql_con->prepare($sql)) {
// Pass the parameters
$date1 = '2012-01-01';
$date2 = '2012-01-31';
$stmt->bind_param("sss", $country_code, $date1, $date2);
// Execute the query
if (!$stmt->errno) {
// Handle error here
// Pass a variable to hold the result
// Remember you are binding a *column*, not a row
// Loop the results and fetch into an array
$logIds = array();
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
$logIds[] = $eventLogID;
// Tidy up
// Do something with the results
} else {
// Handle error here
I think you have to bind to the columns in bind_results() like
/* prepare statement */
if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT Code, Name FROM Country ORDER BY Name LIMIT 5")) {
/* bind variables to prepared statement */
$stmt->bind_result($col1, $col2);
/* fetch values */
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
printf("%s %s\n", $col1, $col2);
Here $col1 and $col2 binds to Code and Name columns of Country table
(Instead of * in SELECT use the column names)
Further reference : http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-result.php