According to this site the following replace method should work, though I am sceptical.
My code is as follows:
text = text.replace(
new Regex(...),
match($1) //$.. any match argument passed to the userfunction 'match',
// which itself invokes a userfunction
I am using Chrome 14, and do not get passed any parameters passed to the function match?
It works when using
text.replace( /.../g, myfunc($1) );
The JavaScript interpreter expects a closure, - apparent userfunctions seem to lead to scope issues i.e. further userfunctions will not be invoked. Initially I wanted to avoid closures to prevent necessary memory consumption, but there are already safeguards.
To pass the arguments to your own function do it like this (wherein the argument[0] will contain the entire match:
result= text.replace(reg , function (){
return wrapper(arguments[0]);
Additionally I had a problem in the string-escaping and thus the RegEx expression, as follows:
is not the same as
new Regex ("\s......\s" , "g")
new Regex ('\s......\s' , "g")
so be careful!