Due to my next project (much SOA stuff) I need a component based configuration and stored in a database to enable a central administration. app.config/web.config does not support any of those requirements (I know some hacks with app-domains, though). So does anybody of you know a configuration framework? It does not necessary have to be free of cost.
I know how to google ;-) but I'd appreciate some experiences about a framework you already used.
Thanks in advance!
I also work on a big SOA project. We are using Nini and it is quite good.
Here are some of the features :
- Multiple configuration types INI,
XML, Registry, and command line
- Strong variable types String,
int, float, etc. Eliminates casts
- Set and save Add, remove, edit,
and save configs
- Lightweight and fast Small
footprint, built for speed
- Merging Merge several configs
into one
- 100% free Free and open source
- Value aliases Add aliases for
unclear variables
- Key value replacement Replaces
values with other key values
- Cross platform Run on .NET/Mono
- INI parser Contains a 100%
managed INI parser
- Fully documented See the Nini
manual and API reference
- Unlimited files/sources Loads an
unlimited number of files
- Compact Framework Supports the
.NET Compact Framework
- Command line application Has a
command-line configuration editor
- Mature and stable Over 140 unit
Have a look at it.