i a new user of Airbnb open source workflow/datapipeline software airflow, which is on github URL https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow. There are a dozen of default example dags after web UI is started. Make me feel stupid that i tried many ways to remove these dags and failed to do so. load_examples = False is set in airflow.cfg. Folder lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/example_dags is removed. States of those example dags are changed to gray after i removed the folder of dag pythons scripts. But the items still occupy the web UI screen. And a new dag folder is specified in airflow.cfg as dags_folder = /mnt/dag/1. I checked this dag folder, nothing is there. Really weird to me why it is so difficult to remove these examples.
When you startup airflow, make sure you set:
load_examples = False
inside your airflow.cfg.
If you have already started airflow with this not set to false, you can set it to false and run airflow resetdb
in the cli (!which will destroy all current dag information!).
Alternatively you can go into the airflow_db
and manually delete those entries from the dag