Piping password to smbpasswd

2019-02-03 03:49发布


How can I pipe the new password to smbpasswd so I can automate my installation process.


Thanks to Mark I found the answer:

(echo newpassword; echo confirmNewPassword) | smbpasswd -s

BTW: (echo oldpasswd; echo newpasswd) | smbpasswd -s does not work.


I use the following in one of my scripts:

   echo -ne "$PASS\n$PASS\n" | smbpasswd -a -s $LOGIN

With echo:

-e : escape sequences, like \n

-n : don't add implicit newline at end

With smbpasswd:

-a : add new user

-s : silent


Try something like this:

(echo oldpasswd; echo newpasswd) | smbpasswd -s


Use this echo 'somepassword' | tee - | smbpasswd -s


This unfortunately is not desirable for two reasons: 1) if the user uses a combination of '\n' in the password there will be a mismatch in the input 2) if there are unix users on the system, then a user using the utility ps may see the password

A better way would be to put the names in a file and read from the file and use python pexpect to read them, not like below, but the simple script is enough to see how to use pexpect

#converted from: http://pexpect.sourceforge.net/pexpect.html
#child = pexpect.spawn('scp foo myname@host.example.com:.')
#child.expect ('Password:')
#child.sendline (mypassword)
import pexpect
import sys
child = pexpect.spawn('/usr/bin/smbpasswd -a '+str(user))
child.expect('New SMB password:')
child.sendline (passwd)
child.expect ('Retype new SMB password:')
child.sendline (passwd)

then try: ./smbpasswd.py userName1 'f#@(&*(_\n895'


I had to create a new Samba user in a Puppet 5.x Exec resource and for various reasons none of the above worked. Fortunately this rather silly-looking command worked:

yes vagrant|head -n 2|smbpasswd -a -s vagrant

Password here is of course "vagrant".


using either pipelines or redirection.