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Split string with dot as delimiter
11 answers
Why second line of this code in Java throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
String filename = \"D:/some folder/001.docx\";
String extensionRemoved = filename.split(\".\")[0];
While below works:
String driveLetter = filename.split(\"/\")[0];
I use Java 7.
You need to escape the dot if you want to split on a literal dot:
String extensionRemoved = filename.split(\"\\\\.\")[0];
Otherwise you are splitting on the regex .
, which means \"any character\".
Note the double backslash needed to create a single backslash in the regex.
You\'re getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
because your input string is just a dot, ie \".\"
, which is an edge case that produces an empty array when split on dot; split(regex)
removes all trailing blanks from the result, but since splitting a dot on a dot leaves only two blanks, after trailing blanks are removed you\'re left with an empty array.
To avoid getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
for this edge case, use the overloaded version of split(regex, limit)
, which has a second parameter that is the size limit for the resulting array. When limit
is negative, the behaviour of removing trailing blanks from the resulting array is disabled:
\".\".split(\"\\\\.\", -1) // returns an array of two blanks, ie [\"\", \"\"]
ie, when filename
is just a dot \".\"
, calling filename.split(\"\\\\.\", -1)[0]
will return a blank, but calling filename.split(\"\\\\.\")[0]
will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
\".\" is a special character in java, so you have to use \"\\\\.\" to escape this character:
final String extensionRemoved = filename.split(\"\\\\.\")[0];
I hope this helps
This is because .
is a reserved character in regular expression, representing any character.
Instead, we should use the following statement:
String extensionRemoved = filename.split(\"\\\\.\")[0];
I believe you should escape the dot. Try:
String filename = \"D:/some folder/001.docx\";
String extensionRemoved = filename.split(\"\\\\.\")[0];
Otherwise dot is interpreted as any character in regular expressions.