
How can I paste 100000 without it being shortened

2019-02-02 23:20发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • How to disable scientific notation? 1 answer

Question: How can I use paste without 100000 becoming 1e+05?

Sorry in advance if this question seems frivolous (but it has resulted in a bug in my code). I use R to call an external script, so when I say e.g. paste("abc",100000) I want it to output "abc 100000" and not "abc 1e+05".

Here's an example of what it looks like on my screen:

> paste("abc",100000)
[1] "abc 1e+05"
> paste("abc",100001)
[1] "abc 100001"

This results in the bizarre behaviour that my script works for the input "100001" but not "100000".

I realise I could create a script to convert numbers to strings however I like, but I feel I shouldn't do this if there is an internal way to do the same thing (I suspect there is some "method" I'm missing).

[If it helps, I'm on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS ("precise"), running R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) in a terminal.]


See ?options, particularly scipen:

R> paste("abc", 100000)
[1] "abc 1e+05"
R> options("scipen"=10)    # set high penalty for scientific display
R> paste("abc", 100000)
[1] "abc 100000"

Alternatively, control formatting tightly the old-school way via sprintf():

R> sprintf("%s %6d", "abc", 100000)
[1] "abc 100000"


Alternatively, you can use integers which don't get printed in scientific notation. You can specify that your number is an integer by putting an "L" behind it, or doing as.integer.

> paste("abc",100000L)
[1] "abc 100000"
> paste("abc",as.integer(1000000000))
[1] "abc 1000000000"


Alternatively format may be simpler than sprintf especially when you want to change how decimals are displayed:

> paste("abc",format(100000, scientific = FALSE))
[1] "abc 100000"
> paste("abc",format(0.1234567, scientific = FALSE, digits = 4))
[1] "abc 0.1235"

标签: r r-faq