I have a stream of H.264/AVC NALs consisting of types 1 (P frame), 5 (I frame), 7 (SPS), and 8 (PPS). I want to write them into an .mov file without re-encoding. I'm attempting to use AVAssetWriter
to do this. The documentation for AVAssetWriterInput
Passing nil for outputSettings instructs the input to pass through appended samples, doing no processing before they are written to the output file. This is useful if, for example, you are appending buffers that are already in a desirable compressed format. However, passthrough is currently supported only when writing to QuickTime Movie files (i.e. the AVAssetWriter was initialized with AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie). For other file types, you must specify non-nil output settings.
I'm trying to create CMSampleBuffers out of these NALs and append them to the asset writer input, but I am unable to input the data in a way that yields a well-formed .mov file, and I can't find any clue anywhere on how to do this.
The best result I've gotten so far was passing in the NALs in Annex B byte stream format (in the order 7 8 5 1 1 1....repeating) and playing the result in VLC. Because of this, I know the NALs contain valid data, but because the .mov file did not have an avcC atom and the mdat atom was filled with an Annex B byte stream, QuickTime will not play the video.
Now I'm trying to pass in the NALs with a 4-byte (as specified by the lengthSizeMinusOne
field) length field instead of the Annex B delimiter, which is how they're supposed to be packed into the mdat atom as far as I know.
I am at a loss for how to get the asset writer to write an avcC atom. Every sample I append just gets shoved into the mdat atom.
Does anyone know how I can pass raw H.264 data into an AVAssetWriterInput configured for pass through (nil outputSettings) and have it generate a properly formed QuickTime file?