I have a rails time-based query which has some odd timezone sensitive behaviour, even though as far as I know I'm using UTC. In a nutshell, these queries give different answers:
>> Model.find(:all,:conditions=>['created_at<=?',(Time.now-1.hours).gmtime]).length
=> 279
>> Model.find(:all,:conditions=>['created_at<=?',(Time.now-1.hours)]).length
=> 280
Where the DB actually does contain one model created in the last hour, and the total number of models is 280. So only the first query is correct.
However, in environment.rb I have:
config.time_zone = 'UTC'
The system time zone (as reported by 'date') is BST (which is GMT+1) - so somehow this winds up getting treated as UTC and breaking queries.
This is causing me all sorts of problems as I need to parameterise the query passing in different times to an action (which are then converted using Time.parse()), and even though I send in UTC times, this 'off by one hour' DST issue crops a lot. Even using '.gmtime()' doesn't always seem to fix it.
Obviously the difference is caused somehow by an implicit conversion somewhere resulting in BST being incorrectly treated as UTC, but why? Doesn't rails store the timestamps in UTC? Isn't the Time class timezone aware? I am using Rails 2.2.2
So what is going on here - and what is the safe way to program around it?
edit, some additional info to show what the DB and Time class are doing:
>> Model.find(:last).created_at
=> Tue, 11 Aug 2009 20:31:07 UTC +00:00
>> Time.now
=> Tue Aug 11 22:00:18 +0100 2009
>> Time.now.gmtime
=> Tue Aug 11 21:00:22 UTC 2009