
Where can I find facial detection software, algori

2019-02-02 16:30发布


I'm interested in writing software that depends on being able to identify that there is a face in a picture (or video frame). It doesn't have to ID the face - so no metrics other than:

  • Is there a human face in the picture (or more than one)
  • Where, approximately, are the eyes and mouth or nose tip (whatever it keyed on.)

It's popping up in cheap digital cameras now, so I expect there are open source packages that do this, or research that is easy enough to follow when rolling your own.


Check out the OpenCV library, here is a link for a good wiki about it.

And here you can see a sample program of implementing a face recognition app.


Face Recognition is defined as the problem of matching a given unknown face image to a set of known face images. What you are looking for is Face Detection, google it and you should find plenty.


This is not a complete answer but it might help. Eigen-vectors are also used in face recognition: eigenfaces.