I'm experimenting with the Play 2.0 framework on Scala. I'm trying to figure out how to send down custom HTTP headers--in this case, "Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=foo.bar". I can't seem to find documentation on how to do so (documentation on Play 2.0 is overall pretty sparse at this point).
Any hints?
The result types are in play.api.mvc.Results
, see here on GitHub.
In order to add headers, you'd write:
.withHeaders(CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/octet-stream")
.withHeaders(CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> "attachment; filename=foo.txt")
CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/octet-stream",
CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> "attachment; filename=foo.txt"
And here is a full sample download:
def download = Action {
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
val input = Play.current.resourceAsStream("public/downloads/Image.png")
input.map { is =>
.withHeaders(CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> "attachment; filename=foo.png")
}.getOrElse(NotFound("File not found!"))
To download a file, Play now offers another simple way:
def download = Action {
Ok.sendFile(new java.io.File("public/downloads/Image1.png"), fileName = (name) => "foo.png")
The disadvantage is that this results in an exception if the file is not found. Also, the filename is specified via a function, which seems a bit overkill.