Do we know any syntax reference for spark-sql
? I mean the style like MySQL SELECT syntax, or PostgreSQL Documentation: SELECT.
If not, what is the best source we can access?
Do we know any syntax reference for spark-sql
? I mean the style like MySQL SELECT syntax, or PostgreSQL Documentation: SELECT.
If not, what is the best source we can access?
SparkSql follows Hive style, so you can refer to Hive Syntax for better documentation.
The supported and unsupported Hive features by SparkSql can be found in the official documentation.
If not, what is the best source we can access?
I don't know about any better source that could be considered "the best" but the source code of Apache Spark itself. I can imagine that is not as user-friendly as the mentioned sources, but Apache Spark is a highly dynamic open source project and it'd be very hard to keep up with all the changes.
If you're asking about what's supported in so-called SQL mode, you should consult SqlBase.g4 which is the ANTLR grammar of Spark SQL. Unless there's a bug in ANTLR you cannot do anything but what's in the grammar.