I use the following Vim macro a lot (it puts the current line inside XML tags):
So I saved it into my .vimrc
let @e='I<e>^[A</e>'
But it does not work.
The ^[
part means "Escape" but it is not understood as such in .vimrc
How can I save this macro, or any macro that contains "Escape" ?
Try entering the escape with <Ctrl-v><Esc>
in insert mode.
See :help i_CTRL-V
in vim.
is your friend here. Literally type <ESC>, thus :
let @e=I<e><ESC>A</e>
See :help key-notation
in Vim for more info.
Ah... <ESC>
works in key mappings (such as :map <Leader>e <ESC>I<e><ESC>A</e>
[tested]) but not in macros, which are expanded literally. I have just tried and tested this:
:let @e='^[I<e>^[A</e>'
Where ^[
is just one char formed by hitting CTRL+VESC. Note the escape right at the beginning of the macro.
If you're using Windows behavior for vim where Ctrl+V is the Paste command, the equivalent sequence is Ctrl+Q
Today I discovered a vim plug-in called MARVIM (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2154).
It is capable of storing macros and executing them later using shortcuts.
Saving macros in plain file without plugins.
Having for example macro m . In insert mode, at e.g beginning of new line, then type 3 keys
ctrl-r ctrl-r m
the macro with escapes will be put in that line. (editable as needed)
In another line name/comment it.
Add other macros if you wish - then save this file as e.g.
:w my_vim_macros
When you want to reuse such saved macro(s):
place cursor on the beginning of macro string, then 4keys
and your macro (this line) will be yanked to register x.
I'm answering what I do to add Escape in macro.
Using in vim editor
:let @a='iabcjj'
here I map <ESC>
to jj
.vimrc file
imap jj <esc>