How to loop through all rows in DataTables jQuery?

2019-02-02 08:38发布


I am using jquery plugin DataTables for building nice table

  var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    "data": source

I would like that make an each for all rows in table

Unfortunately this way may be out of date and does't work with new version (it launchs an error)

$(table.fnGetNodes()).each(function () {


And this way only works only for visibles rows (10 first rows because other rows are paginated)

 table.each( function ( value, index ) {
    console.log( 'Data in index: '+index+' is: '+value );
} );

Do you known how to loop to all rows please?


I finally found:

 var data = table.rows().data();
 data.each(function (value, index) {
     console.log(`For index ${index}, data value is ${value}`);


If you are using the legacy DataTables then you can get all the rows even the paginated ones, as shown below...

table.fnGetNodes(); // table is the datatables object.

So we can loop through the rows by using .each() method provided by jQuery.

jQuery(table.fnGetNodes()).each(function () {
// You can use `jQuery(this).` to access each row, and process it further.            


Datatables have an iterator for each row rows().every() with this referring to the context of the current row being iterated.
