What is the format of an authors file for git svn,

2019-02-01 23:54发布


I am trying to clone Papercut, an smtp server emulator

I'm getting the list of SVN authors with svn log -q https://papercut.svn.codeplex.com/svn | grep -e '^r'| awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"};{print $2}'|sort|uniq which is giving me


I created an authors.txt with the SVN_User = UserName <Email> format, but when I run

git svn clone --no-metadata -A authors.txt https://papercut.svn.codeplex.com/svn papercut

it complains "Author: RNO\_MCLWEB not defined in authors.txt file"

I've tried with putting a \ before the '\' and '_' to try to escape them, and adding quotes around the name, but neither worked.

I can't find any better description of the authors.txt file format than SVN_User = UserName <Email>


I hate to be "that guy", but I just gave it a try and it worked fine for me. Here's the copy of the authors file I used:

RNO\_MCLWEB = Ronald McDonald <dude@example.com>
SND\krobertson_cp = Some Guy <someone@example.com>

I did, however, use a slightly different method than you did to generate author names, following these directions. My specific incantation was:

$ svn log --xml | grep author | sort -u | perl -pe 's/.>(.?)<./$1 = /'

I'm also using Git (doubt that makes a difference, but you never know).

I did notice that when I used your pipeline to get the SVN authors, there were spaces in front of their SVN usernames in the resulting file (i.e., there was a space in column 1 on each line). Don't know if that makes a difference or not.


I had same problem, but with user apache. In authors file a had line like this.

apache = Apache


apache = Apache <>

But when I set it to

apache = Apache <noreply@something.com>

My repo started cloned normaly. Please be sure that you set all you authors names and email correctly, with follow format

svn_user_name = JustNameInGit <obligatory@email.com>

Every field is obligatory!!!


I used the following which helps skip messages with words like 'authorization' in them

svn log --xml | grep /author | sort -u | perl -pe 's/.>(.?)<./$1 = /' > users.txt