I have an image in PIL Image format. I need to convert it to byte array.
img = Image.open(fh, mode='r')
roiImg = img.crop(box)
Now I need the roiImg
as a byte array.
I have an image in PIL Image format. I need to convert it to byte array.
img = Image.open(fh, mode='r')
roiImg = img.crop(box)
Now I need the roiImg
as a byte array.
Thanks everyone for your help.
Finally got it resolved!!
import io
img = Image.open(fh, mode='r')
roiImg = img.crop(box)
imgByteArr = io.BytesIO()
roiImg.save(imgByteArr, format='PNG')
imgByteArr = imgByteArr.getvalue()
With this i don't have to save the cropped image in my hard disc and I'm able to retrieve the byte array from a PIL cropped image.