The code above has correct syntax highlighting in Xcode 7. It is mix of Obj-C + Swift:
I've updated project to support Xcode 8 and only few things was changed:
After all the project is compiled fine for Xcode 8.
But Obj-C code integrated in Swift doesn't have any syntax highlighting and vice versa:
And there is << error type >> problem with autocomplete:
Derived data deleting doesn't help, Xcode restart either :) CocoaPods version 0.38.2, iOS 7
This answer helped me with one of my projects:
I got help from an apple engineer at WWDC on this issue and resolved
it. The problem stemmed from cocoapods... Apparently cocoapods was
copying .h files into the build directory and SourceKit was getting
confused. I'm not entirely sure why the .h files were being copied -
they aren't needed there. So the fix was to add a post-build script
in your build phases section that removes the headers after a build.
It would look something like this:
function removeHeaders() {
find $BUILD_ROOT/Debug-iphonesimulator/ -name '*.h' -exec rm -f {} \;
Fixed. Problem was related to the presence of target in project which is not compiled. So if you have targets e.g. A, B, C and C is not compiled this cause problems with syntax highlighting.
I have found that when syntax highlighting falls over, switching tabs in Xcode fixes the issue ¯_(ツ)_/¯ sometimes I find I need to switch to at least 4 different tabs before it comes on again.
Otherwise a quit and reopen
It happened also to me with Xcode 8 GM but also lots of time when I used Xcode 7: sometimes the auto-complete feature and the syntax highlighting die without notice.
The only solution that it works for me is restart Xcode but a few times I needed to complete reboot my Mac; I still don't know exactly what causes this annoying problem.
Setting Use Legacy Swift Language Version to YES in the Build Settings helped me to solve similar issue
Commenting and then uncommenting the affected lines worked for me.
In my case:
In Finder I navigated to user->Library->Developer->Xcode->DerivedData. Close your Xcode Project then Clear DerivedData. It's work for me.
Happy Coding...:)
As others have stated above - if I create a new tab ..or 4 then close the tab that usually does it. Sometimes commenting out a line then immediately uncommenting does the trick as well. I got tired of using several keys to accompolish this and made a simple AppleScript to do it for me.
Create a Automator 'service' and add this script to it. In System Preferences under Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services find your new service and assign it to an empty function key (I used F1) and now you have a 1 key fix!
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Xcode"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "t" using command down
delay (0.5)
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "w" using command down
delay (0.5)
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "/" using command down
delay (0.5)
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "/" using command down
delay (0.5)
end tell
return input
end run