I mounted the container with this parameter:
-v /home/test/:/home/test
Inside /home/test in the host there is a symbolic link pointing to a /mnt/ folder.
But that link, although can be seen where is pointing to, seems broken inside the container:
root@f93f72b45013:/var/www/html# cd /home/test/
root@f93f72b45013:/home/test# ls -lrt
total 11956
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 40 Jul 20 15:55 file -> /mnt/mountedfile/
root@f93f72b45013:/home/test# ls -lrt file/*
ls: cannot access file/*: No such file or directory
Is that even possible to be done in docker? I am not sure if is there a way to do it.
I know I can just directly mount where the symbolic link is pointing at but I was just wondering if this is possibe.