
Spring Web Service Client Tutorial or Example Requ

2019-02-01 15:35发布


I need to jump into the Spring Web Service Project, in that I required to implement the Spring Web Service's Client Only..

So, I have already gone through with Spring's Client Reference Document.

So, I got the idea of required classes for the implementation of Client.

But my problem is like I have done some googling, but didn't get any proper example of both Client and Server from that I can implement one sample for my client.

So, if anybody gives me some link or tutorial for proper example from that I can learn my client side implementation would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance...


in my previous project, I implemented a Webservice client with Spring 2.5.6, maven2, xmlbeans.

  • xmlbeans is responsible for un/marshal
  • maven2 is for project mgmt/building etc.

I paste some codes here and hope they are helpful.

xmlbeans maven plugin conf: (in pom.xml)












        <!-- xmlbeans maven plugin for the client side -->






























                            <source> target/generated-sources/xmlbeans</source>






So from the above conf, you need to put the schema file (either standalone or in your WSDL file, you need to extract them and save as a schema file.) under src/main/resources. when you build the project with maven, the pojos are gonna be generated by xmlbeans. The generated sourcecodes will be under target/generated-sources/xmlbeans.

then we come to Spring conf. I just put the WS relevant context here:

    <bean id="messageFactory" class="org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom.AxiomSoapMessageFactory">

        <property name="payloadCaching" value="true"/>


    <bean id="abstractClient" abstract="true">
        <constructor-arg ref="messageFactory"/>

    <bean id="marshaller" class="org.springframework.oxm.xmlbeans.XmlBeansMarshaller"/>

 <bean id="myWebServiceClient" parent="abstractClient" class="class.path.MyWsClient">

        <property name="defaultUri" value="http://your.webservice.url"/>

        <property name="marshaller" ref="marshaller"/>

        <property name="unmarshaller" ref="marshaller"/>


finally, take a look the ws-client java class

public class MyWsClient extends WebServiceGatewaySupport {
 //if you need some Dao, Services, just @Autowired here.

    public MyWsClient(WebServiceMessageFactory messageFactory) {

    // here is the operation defined in your wsdl
    public Object someOperation(Object parameter){

      //instantiate the xmlbeans generated class, infact, the instance would be the document (marshaled) you are gonna send to the WS

      SomePojo requestDoc = SomePojo.Factory.newInstance(); // the factory and other methods are prepared by xmlbeans
      ResponsePojo responseDoc = (ResponsePojo)getWebServiceTemplate().marshalSendAndReceive(requestDoc); // here invoking the WS

//then you can get the returned object from the responseDoc.



I hope the example codes are helpful.


Step by step tutorial on - Web Service Client with Spring-WS @ http://justcompiled.blogspot.com/2010/11/web-service-client-with-spring-ws.html