Syntax highlighting within #+begin_src block in em

2019-02-01 09:40发布


I have tried many different languages and copied various examples, but none of my code blocks within orgmode get syntax highlighting. Here is what I'm trying:

#+begin_src python

def main():
  print "Hello %s" % ("what's the problem")


#+begin_src c++

for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) 
  cout << "Hello" << endl;


When exported to HTML, it shows up in a source code block, but with no highlighting there either.

I am using the newest org (7.8.10). Am I missing something here?


Do you have this?

(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)


I had a similar problem where despite adding htmlize.el, I couldn't get the code syntax highlighting when exporting to html. I then found this very useful post and just followed the steps:

Syntax highlighting R code in WordPress using Emacs

Just to reiterate the steps:

  1. I copied the htmlize.el in ~/.emacs.d/ directory
  2. In org mode, typed M-x byte-compile-file and navigate to the directory where the htmlize.el is located, select it and press enter. This will compile the htmlize.el file.
  3. Restart emacs and export a file with code block in it. The exported html file will now have syntax highlighted code.