I am trying to add a PreferenceFragment
to a FragmentPagerAdapter
My class extends FragmentActivity
, I have tried FragmentTransaction
, as shown below as well as trying to add to the container and can't seem to get anything to work. No errors are thrown, in fact nothing happens.
Main Activity:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mSectionsPagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
mViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.pager);
tools:context=".MainActivity" >
My Options menu selection:
android.app.FragmentManager fm;
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case R.id.menu_settings:
JJSettings settings = new JJSettings();
fm = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragTrans = fm.beginTransaction();
// I also tried `replace()` here as well. Same 'nothing happens' result.
fragTrans.add(settings, "settings");
return true;
case R.id.menu_help:
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
My settings Fragment
public class JJSettings extends PreferenceFragment {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
My preference would be to stick with Fragments
if possible, meaning I'd rather not extend PreferenceActivity
or take the user to another Activity that calls the PreferenceFragment
, if at all possible. I'm just hoping I missed something in my research.
public class SectionsPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
private int _count = 2;
public SectionsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) { super(fm); }
public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
return super.instantiateItem(container, position);
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
switch (position) {
case 0:
return new JJMainFragment();
case 1:
return new JJPendingFragment();
return null;
public void setCount(int count) { this._count = count; }
public int getCount() { return this._count; }
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
switch (position) {
case 0:
return getString(R.string.c_list).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
case 1:
return getString(R.string.c_pending).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
return null;
This answer led me to the solution of using the v13 support library, which includes a FragmentPagerAdapter that uses bona-fide android.app.Fragments so it can support the PreferenceFragment.
Assuming you use Eclipse and run the new app wizard with the "Scrollable Tabs + Swipe" Navigation (which gives you the v4 pager boilerplate), here are the modifications you need to make to upgrade to v13:
- Delete "android-support-v4.jar" file from your libs folder
- Copy "android-support-v13.jar" from SDK_PATH\extras\android\support\v13; if it's not there, use the SDK manager to install or update "Extras/Android Support Library"
Then, in the Java file:
- Change FragmentPagerAdapter import from v4 to v13
- Change FragmentActivity to a plain Activity
- Change calls to getSupportFragmentManager to getFragmentManager
- Import all necessary classes from android.app instead of android.support.v4
- (Except: you still need to use the v4 ViewPager, but it's compatible)
I've copied the modified source below, verified on latest Jellybean.
package com.example.pagerwithpreferencesfragment;
import java.util.Locale;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Fragment;
import android.app.FragmentManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.preference.PreferenceFragment;
import android.support.v13.app.FragmentPagerAdapter; // instead of v4.app...
import android.support.v4.view.ViewPager;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MainActivity extends Activity { // no longer FragmentActivity
// these comments are now out-of-date; v13, not v4
* The {@link android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter} that will provide
* fragments for each of the sections. We use a
* {@link android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter} derivative, which
* will keep every loaded fragment in memory. If this becomes too memory
* intensive, it may be best to switch to a
* {@link android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter}.
SectionsPagerAdapter mSectionsPagerAdapter;
* The {@link ViewPager} that will host the section contents.
ViewPager mViewPager;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Create the adapter that will return a fragment for each of the three
// primary sections of the app.
mSectionsPagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(
getFragmentManager()); // instead of getSupportFragmentMangager
// Set up the ViewPager with the sections adapter.
mViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.pager);
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu);
return true;
* A {@link FragmentPagerAdapter} that returns a fragment corresponding to
* one of the sections/tabs/pages.
public class SectionsPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
public SectionsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
// this is just to show it compiles
if (position == 0) {
// you should really make this a public class elsewhere..
return new PreferenceFragment() {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// getItem is called to instantiate the fragment for the given page.
// Return a DummySectionFragment (defined as a static inner class
// below) with the page number as its lone argument.
Fragment fragment = new DummySectionFragment();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt(DummySectionFragment.ARG_SECTION_NUMBER, position + 1);
return fragment;
public int getCount() {
// Show 3 total pages.
return 3;
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
Locale l = Locale.getDefault();
switch (position) {
case 0:
return getString(R.string.title_section1).toUpperCase(l);
case 1:
return getString(R.string.title_section2).toUpperCase(l);
case 2:
return getString(R.string.title_section3).toUpperCase(l);
return null;
* A dummy fragment representing a section of the app, but that simply
* displays dummy text.
public static class DummySectionFragment extends Fragment {
* The fragment argument representing the section number for this
* fragment.
public static final String ARG_SECTION_NUMBER = "section_number";
public DummySectionFragment() {
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_main_dummy,
container, false);
TextView dummyTextView = (TextView) rootView
return rootView;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:title="My Title">
I think you need to specify a container view id for the fragment transaction. Try giving it the id of your ViewPager. Or, put the ViewPager inside another container, give that an id, and use that.