Are there any HtmlHelper Extensions for Google Chart Api? (I like to use for some basic charts, e.g. Pie Chart, Bar Chart)
Soe Moe
Are there any HtmlHelper Extensions for Google Chart Api? (I like to use for some basic charts, e.g. Pie Chart, Bar Chart)
Soe Moe
Google says that you insert a chart like this:
<img src="
alt="Sample chart"
So it should be easy enough to write an HtmlHelper like this (untested):
namespace System.Web.Mvc.Html
public static class GoogleChartHelpers
public static string GoogleChart
(string cht, string chd, string chs, string chl)
return "<img source='" + cht
+ "&chd=" + chd
+ "&chs=" + chs
+ "&chl=" + chl + "' />;
and call it like this:
<%= Html.GoogleChart("P3","t:60,40","250x100","Hello|World") %>
which should insert this into your page:
A C# wrapper for the Google Chart API.
Usage examples
I'm sure you could create a HTMLHelper that incorporates this wrapper class to make it even easier.