
Virtual Default Destructors in C++

2019-02-01 00:24发布


I've got a large set of inherited classes (criteria) which inherit from a base class (criterion). Here's criterion's code

class criterion
    virtual unsigned __int32 getPriorityClass() const = 0;
    virtual BOOL include(fileData &file) const = 0;
    virtual void reorderTree() = 0;
    virtual unsigned int directoryCheck(const std::wstring& directory) const = 0;
    virtual std::wstring debugTree() const = 0;

Some examples of derived classes from this one:

class fastFilter : public criterion
    void reorderTree() {};
    unsigned int  directoryCheck(const std::wstring& /*directory*/) const { return DIRECTORY_DONTCARE; };
    unsigned __int32 getPriorityClass() const { return PRIORITY_FAST_FILTER; };

class isArchive : public fastFilter
    BOOL include(fileData &file) const
        return file.getArchive();
    std::wstring debugTree() const
        return std::wstring(L"+ ISARCHIVE\n");

Since I don't have a destructor here at all, but yet this is supposed to be a base class, do I need to insert an empty virtual destructor, I.e. like this?:

virtual void ~criterion() = 0;

If that virtual destructor declaration is needed, do all intermediate classes need one as well? I.e. would fastFilter above need a virtual destructor as well?


Yes - the base class needs a virtual destructor, even if it's empty. If that is not done, then when something delete's a derived object through a base pointer/reference, the derived object's member objects will not get a chance to destroy themselves properly.

Derived classes do not need to declare or define their own destructor unless they need something other than default destructor behavior.


The recommendation is to insert

virtual ~criterion() {}

to avoid the deletion off a base class pointer problem. Otherwise you will leak memory as derived classes' destructors will not be called.

criterion *c = new fastFilter();
delete c; // leaks


You don't need to make the destructor abstract, just give it a empty implementation:

virtual ~criterion() { }

This way you are not forced to implement it in every child class, but still each of them will have a (inherited) virtual destructor.


One small change from what others have already answered:

Instead of

virtual void ~criterion() = 0;

the required version is:

    virtual ~criterion() {}  //Note: Removed void as destructors not allowed 
                             //  a return type

To know more about virtual destructor have a look at this link from FAQ When should my destructor be virtual?