[EDIT: I solved earlier problem by calling delegateEvents(), but shouldn't have to. Re-posting w/more info.]
I have a View that when rendered has a login button on it with a click event attached. First render all works: click on button and upon successful ajax call the login prompts disappear and welcome view (LoggedInView) is displayed. But, if I navigate back to this View later (#foo) the UI renders but the event association is gone without manually forcing the issue by calling delegateEents().
What happened that my events didn't re-associate themselves?
LoginView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($("#loginTemplate").html()),
initialize: function(stuff,router) {
this.router = router;
events: {
'click .loginButton': 'login'
render: function() {
$(this.el).find(".actionButton").button(); // Button
// this.delegateEvents(this.events); // NEEDED! Re-wire events on re-render
return this;
rc: function(code) {
switch(code) {
case errCodes.USER_NOT_FOUND: this.notFound(); break;
case errCodes.OK: this.loginOk(); break;
default: this.otherErr(); break;
login: function() {
clearErrors( $('[rel="req"]') );
var okReq = validate( $('#login [rel="req"]'), validateReq );
var okEmail = validate( [$('#uid')], validateEmail );
if( okReq && okEmail ) {
this.model.set({'uid':$('#uid').val().trim(), 'pwd':$('#pwd').val().trim()});
notFound: function() {
validate( [$('#uid'),$('#pwd')], function(){return[false,"Invalid user / password"]} );
otherErr: function() {
validate( [$('#uid'),$('#pwd')], function(){return[false,"Please contact support for help logging in."]} );
loginOk: function() {
this.profile = new Profile({uid:this.model.get('uid'),token:this.model.get('key')});
gotProfile: function() {
LoggedInView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($("#loggedInTemplate").html()),
uList: new ProfileList(),
initialize: function() {
this.model.bind('show', this.render);
this.uList.bind('rc', this.render);
events: {
'click #ufa': 'getUsersForHouse'
render: function() {
// this.delegateEvents(this.events); // NEEDED! Re-wire events on re-render
return this;
renderUserList: function() {
renderUser: function(aUser) {
getUsersForHouse: function() {
Main = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'foo': 'foo',
'*all': 'home'
initialize: function() {
this.token = new Token();
this.loginView = new LoginView({model:this.token},this);
foo: function(){ // naving here looses click event on login button
home: function() {
if( this.loginView.profile == null )
else {
this.loggedInView = new LoggedInView({model:this.loginView.profile});