Generating routes in javascript with Twig and Symf

2019-01-31 18:17发布


Quite odd problem, sorry for asking, i'm quite new to Symfony/Twig. My route requires a mandatory region_id paramenter:

  pattern: /ajax/region/{region_id}/provinces
  defaults: {_controller: SWAItaliaInCifreBundle:Ajax:provincesByRegion }
  requirements: {region_in: \d+}

The question is: how can i generate this route based on a select element in javascript (code below)?

The problem is: i can't use path and url helpers from Symfony as they require to specify the region_id parameter (this.value) i can't access because it's a javascript variable (and Twig is compiled server-side).

$(document).ready(function() {

        // Make an ajax call to get all region provinces
            url: // Generate the route using Twig helper



You can use the FOSJsRoutingBundle.


I know it's an old question, but just in case you don't want to install a bundle like FOSJsRoutingBundle, here's a little hack:

var url = '{{ path("yourroute", {'region_id': 'region_id'}) }}'; 
url = url.replace("region_id", this.value);

'region_id' is just used as a placeholder, then you replace it in JS with your actual variable this.value


url:  "{{ path('SampleBundle_route',{'parameter':controller_value}) }}"

Where SampleBundle_route is a valid path defined in routing.yml or annotatins.

For testing, write this in the twig template:

    var url= "{{ path('SampleBundle_route') }}";


 * @Route("/{id}/edit", name="event_edit", options={"expose"=true})