What is the Gradle counterpart to Maven archetypes? How can I give other Gradle users a template for the file and directory layout for a new project?
Gradle doesn't support this (yet). There's a open feature request opened already.
Use build init plugin:
~$ mkdir newproj
~$ cd newproj
~/newproj$ gradle init --type java-library
At the moment java-library
, scala-library
, groovy-library
, java-application
, pom
and basic
supported. The feature is incubating, thus it can be changed in future releases, so keep an eye on docs.
While this is not yet supported by Gradle, the gradle:templates plugin looks promising:
Gradle don't support build-in archetype-like feature, but you can use plug-in named Gradle templates
Read more:
Does gradle have Maven archetype-like functionality?
Gradle archetypes issue
There is no gradle counterpart as far as I know. However following the steps given below is enough for most cases:
- Generate project with maven and your selection of maven archetype.
Convert the maven project to gradle project. You can do that by executing the below command in the directory where your master pom.xml is located:
gradle init
Its supposed to work with all basic maven archetypes.
I'm been looking for this feature as well, and found that it's a little bit complicated to have a complex project template to work with https://github.com/townsfolk/gradle-templates.
So I created this plugin, it's quite similar with the Maven archetype function. https://github.com/orctom/gradle-archetype-plugin/
In case you are using the spring framework under Linux: You could use http://start.spring.io/ or alternatively install Spring CLI
$ curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
$ sdk install springboot
$ spring --version
Spring Boot v1.3.5.RELEASE
$ spring init --build gradle --name test --groupId com.test
Using service at https://start.spring.io
Content saved to 'demo.zip'
$ unzip demo.zip
You can create generators for Yeoman, or use existing non-official ones such as JHipster. As an example there is the java-gradle generator:
npm install -g yo
- Install module globally:
npm install -g generator-java-gradle
- Generate project with:
yo java-gradle