After migrating from Android Studio 3.0 (Canary 5) to Android Studio 3.0 (Beta 1), and moving to latest gradle , i.e. ''
When I try to gradle sync, it error stating below.
Failed to resolve:
Failed to resolve:
I check on Android Studio 3.0 Canary 9 - Failed to resolve packages, it doesn't solve my problem, as I already have this
maven {
url ''
I'm surprise it is even asking for multidex 1.0.2, as I only have in my build.gradle
compile ''
I check using ./gradlew app:dependencies | grep multidex
, it shows the failures as below (across various flavors etc)
+--- -> 1.0.2 FAILED
Where did the dependencies of multidex:1.0.2
and multidex-instrumentation:1.0.2
comes from? How could I solve this problem?
Apparently my issue is I should post this:
maven {
url ''
in allprojects
and not in buildscript
(the subtle different has blinded me where the issue is), which then looks like this:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
Thanks to M D for the pointers!
For me, the solution is move the google() item up to make sure it's before the jcenter(). And actually, I will put the google() in the first place of all the repositories.
Need to add the following as well:
compile ''
After adding the above line, it worked for me in addition to the above answer
allprojects {
repositories {
worked for me instead of
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
if you are in China,
Please use
allprojects {
respositories {
to instead
allprojects {
respositories {
maven {
url ''
don't ask me why, I don't want to tell you.... may be '' was selected by GFW?
First you need to clean the project , and then rebuild it.
Build ----> Clean Project
Build ----> Rebuild Project
Adding google() in my allprojects solved my issue...
allprojects {
repositories {
If none of the above solutions are working then add mavenLocal()
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
Update all the gradle dependencies to latest version ..
That’s it