How do I use the Linea-Pro SDK for IOS?

2019-01-31 14:25发布


Does anyone know of or have a manual on how to script in xcode with the linea-pro.

I have hunted the web and asked Infinite Peripherals for help but no reply.

I found a ".a" and ".h" file that look like they have all the delegations etc but i have no clue how to action some of the functions.

If you need more information please ask.


To provides access to Linea device series.

In order to use Linea in your program, several steps have to be performed. These steps are from 2011, and may have changed in 2017, but are shown here for historical purposes:

- Include LineaSDK.h and libdtdev.a in your project.
- Go to Frameworks and add ExternalAccessory framework
- Edit your program plist file, add new element and select 
  "Supported external accessory protocols" from the list, then add two items to it -
  ‘’ and ‘’
- Write code in MainViewController.m file to connect and retrieve barcode data.

1) Include “LineaSDK.h” and “libdtdev.a” in your project under Classes folder.

2017 update: Download latest DTDEVICES SDK from . As of January 2017, latest version is v2.01, supporting devices up to the Linea Pro 7.

2) “Add existing frameworks” in your project.

  1. In the project navigator, select your project
  2. Select your target.
  3. Select the 'Build Phases' tab
  4. Open 'Link Binaries With Libraries' expander
  5. Click the '+' button
  6. Select 'External Accessory framework'
  7. Drag and drop the added framework to the 'Frameworks' group

3) Edit your project .plist file

<key>Supported external accessory protocols</key>

4) Write code in MainViewController.m file

// Important to init linea class and connect it

- (void)viewDidLoad
    // init linea class and connect it    
    linea =[Linea sharedDevice];
    [linea addDelegate:self];
    [linea connect];    

    [super viewDidLoad];

// It calls after successfuly reads barode data

-(void)barcodeData:(NSString *)barcode type:(int)type {    

     // You can use this data as you wish
     // Here I write barcode data into the console
     NSLog(@"Barcode Data: %@”, barcode);

Note: Import ‘LineaSDK.h’ into your MainViewController.h and declare

Linea* linea;


It works very well.


Import the .a and .h file

Add ExternalAccessory.framework

open your info.plist file as source code and add the following lines:


Add <DTDeviceDelegate> to your interface like this:

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <DTDeviceDelegate>

In your .h file of your ViewController add the DTDevices object

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <DTDeviceDelegate>
    DTDevices *scanner;

In the ViewDidLoad function, add the connection code:

 scanner=[DTDevices sharedDevice];
[scanner addDelegate:self];
[scanner connect];

Get connection status by adding this method to your code:

-(void)connectionState:(int)state {
    switch (state) {

Hope this helps.


I'm assuming that you are wanting to develop an application with their iPhone/iPod Touch sled. Your best bet will be to look at the sample Xcode project they include with their SDK. This will demonstrate how to connect with the sled, as well as set different options for interacting with the hardware, such as the barcode types it should look for (in cases where you're using a 2D scanner), any hardware sounds it should make, etc.

Their underlying assumption is that you're an experienced iOS developer and you're ready to start integrating with their SDK. It sounds like you're new to iOS development and I would encourage you to get experienced with that before doing something a little more advanced like interacting with hardware peripherals.

At a high level you'll need to:

  1. Create a new Xcode project and drop in their .a and .h files into your project.
  2. Import a couple of required frameworks, the only one I can remember off the top of my head is the ExternalAccessory.framework.
  3. Call the the shared instance to connect with and interact with the hardware.


Above @Muthu answer is correct as I also have seen it in few other places and also in it's given manual. Hope you all would get some help from the following link:

link to Google eBook, which is a preview on introducing how to build a simple app for LineaPro Device

Whish you all best of luck!!This is also one of the tedious stuff I found in my iOS Dev. life!