I am using the select function for communication between my sockets. I have a while loop and I do -
while(!done) {
FD_SET(comm_fd1, &read_flags);
FD_SET(comm_fd2, &read_flags);
FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &read_flags);
FD_SET(comm_fd1, &write_flags);
FD_SET(comm_fd2, &write_flags);
FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &write_flags);
//call select
sel = select(comm_fd1+comm_fd2+1, &read_flags, &write_flags, (fd_set*)0, &waitd);
and the same with different variables on the client side. I got this basic technique from a tutorial online and just went with it. Then it hit me - why do I clear the set and add file descriptors each time I loop? If they are already added, why clear them and add again? So I tried only doing this once before the while, and the code does not work the same anymore. Can someone explain why? Is it just because select modifies the contents of the set? Any help and/or insight is appreciated.