I'm currently not happy with the hacks I've come up with using Flux, and now Redux for populating initialState in my store.
I always send a payload of JSON down with the initial page load. Universal JavaScript is not an option in some of my applications as they are not all backed by Node. I would like to focus on "best practices" and patterns around how the data is preloaded on the client. Then, I feel that moving to the server is trivial.
Here’s a gist of what I’m currently doing at work and in a few other toy apps using Redux:
To summarize:
- I’m sending global variables down with the page
- In componentDidMount() I'm dispatching actions that “receive” and handle the various pieces of data. (These “receive” methods are used when processing these bits of data when they are fetched async via a request action, and I’m repurposing them here since I already have the data.)
This works and there aren’t any issues that we’re running into, but it feels like a hack I’m not really happy with. Also, I feel that the initial state of Redux isn’t happy with me doing it this way.
According to http://rackt.org/redux/docs/recipes/ServerRendering.html and the section “The Client Side”, I am able to pass initialState to my store.
Here’s a patch I have for another project I'm helping with (KeystoneJS). I'm passing it's Keystone object into the initialState:
While that does work, as you can see, I’m forced to match the shape of the output of my overall combinedReducers (https://github.com/kevinold/keystone/commit/6f80c2f6f1e5c081361369a8bb31b75f1e62460f#diff-b4b498ca92c4d05e050b45c725c26f9d) or I will get console warnings, etc.
I might be extremely lazy in dealing with this, but trying to limit having to update another piece of data when I add/change anything related to reducers (add a reducer, how they are composed, etc.).
I realizing I might have to in order to get this initialState into the reducers properly.
I'm currently digesting how (https://github.com/erikras/react-redux-universal-hot-example/blob/master/src/client.js#L25) handles it's initialState.
I’d really appreciate some feedback on "best" and "real world" practices that are working for others.