I have a REST API written in Django, with and endpoint that queues a celery task when posting to it. The response contains the task id which I'd like to use to test that the task is created and get the result. So, I'd like to do something like:
def test_async_job():
response = self.client.post("/api/jobs/", some_test_data, format="json")
task_id = response.data['task_id']
result = my_task.AsyncResult(task_id).get()
self.assertEquals(result, ...)
I obviously don't want to have to run a celery worker to run the unit tests, I expect to mock it somehow. I can't use CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER because that seems to bypass the broker altogether, preventing me to use AsyncResult to get the task by its id (as stated here).
Going through celery and kombu docs, I've found that there is an in-memory transport for unit tests, that would do what I'm looking for. I tried overriding the BROKER_URL
setting to use it on the tests:
def test_async_job():
But the behavior is the same as with the ampq broker: it blocks the test waiting for the result. Any Idea how am I supposed to configure this broker to get it working in the tests?
You can specify the broker_backend in your settings :
if 'test' in sys.argv[1:]:
or you can override the settings with a decorator directly in your test
import unittest
from django.test.utils import override_settings
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_mytask(self):
Here's a more fully featured example of a Django TransactionTestCase
that works with Celery 4.x.
import threading
from django.test import TransactionTestCase
from django.db import connections
from myproj.celery import app # your Celery app
class CeleryTestCase(TransactionTestCase):
"""Test case with Celery support."""
def setUpClass(cls):
cls._worker = app.Worker(app=app, pool='solo', concurrency=1)
cls._thread = threading.Thread(target=cls._worker.start)
cls._thread.daemon = True
def tearDownClass(cls):
Be aware this doesn't change your queue names to a testing queues, so if you're also running the app you'll want to do that too.
You can use the Kombu in-memory broker to run unit tests, however to do so you need to spin-up a Celery worker using the same Celery app object as the Django server.
To use the in-memory broker, set BROKER_URL to memory://localhost/
Then, to spin up a small celery worker you can do the following:
app = <Django Celery App>
# Set the worker up to run in-place instead of using a pool
app.conf.CELERYD_POOL = 'solo'
# Code to start the worker
def run_worker():
# Create a thread and run the worker in it
import threading
t = threading.Thread(target=run_worker)
You need to make sure you use the same app as the Django celery app instance.
Note that starting the worker will print many things and modify logging settings.