I have had to de- and reinstall a newer version of PHPUnit following these directions. Now when I'm launching this line
sudo pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit
I see an error message, that looks like this.
Unknown remote channel: pear.symfony.com
phpunit/PHPUnit requires package "channel://pear.symfony.com/Yaml" (version >= 2.1.0)
No valid packages found
If I install just Yaml by launching
sudo pear install symfony/YAML
an older version (1.0.6) will be installed that doesn't meet the dependency of PHPUnit. How can I possibly solve this?
I had the same problem while upgrading my phpunit.
This solved the problem:
pear channel-discover pear.symfony.com
pear install pear.symfony.com/Yaml
Then run:
pear install --alldeps pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit
OBS: I think the pear install pear.symfony.com/Yaml
is not necessary. I'm just posting it because it is exactly the way I solved my problem.
Use this, as described in the PHPUnit docs: (i don't what sudo means, this is how I do it on a windows PC):
pear config-set auto_discover 1
pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit
I also had this error message:
Unknown remote channel: pear.symfony.com
Solved creating an alias:
pear channel-alias pear.symfony-project.com pear.symfony.com
and then
channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com
sudo pear channel-discover components.ez.no
sudo pear update-channels
sudo pear upgrade-all
sudo pear install --force --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit
First: locate pear
you may have multiple versions installed and this could be a pain.
At work we have something like this in our intranet:
sudo [your pear install] channel-update pear.php.net
sudo [your pear install] upgrade pear
sudo [your pear install] channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
sudo [your pear install] install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit
I know theres a more automated way to install it using: go-pear ( http://pear.php.net/manual/en/installation.getting.php )
However, if you already have some other install of pear it will totally wreck everything and you'll spend quite some time trying to fix it. I think the biggest hurdle is being able to tell all the libraries where each other is.
sudo pear install -a phpunit
sudo pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
I had similar problem complaining about "Unknown remote channel: pear.symfony.com".
had to do (without sudo, I got weird error about cannot open some file)
sudo pear channel-discover pear.symfony.com
sudo pear install phpunit/PHPUnit
Now I can see phpunit in my /usr/bin
Process mentioned by PutzKipa works however you might need super user privileges. For ubuntu add sudo before each command.
Following Plínio César, I solved it finally, but with slight variation:
First I did a "sudo apt-get remove phpunit" to remove the faulty installation. Then using pear to do the phpunit installation:
sudo pear install pear.symfony.com/Yaml
sudo pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
sudo pear config-set auto_discover 1
sudo pear install --alldeps pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit
Thanks Plinio Cesar!!!
The easiest way to obtain PHPUnit in Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora or OpenSUSE is to download a PHP Archive (PHAR) that has all required (as well as some optional) dependencies of PHPUnit bundled in a single file.
Open the terminal and type:
wget https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit.phar # download the PHP Archive (PHAR) file
chmod +x phpunit.phar
sudo mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit
There are many different versions of phpunit.phar at https://phar.phpunit.de/. If you use the first command, it will select and download the latest version.
Note: The /usr/local/bin/
path in the last command is correct for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and OpenSUSE distributions and also for other Linux distributions that have a /usr/local/bin/
Reference: What is /usr/local/bin? Came across it in an script installation for Applescript but would like to know more