Im wondering how pattern matching is usually implemented. for example in Erlang do you think its implemented at the byte-code level(there's a bytecode for it so that its done efficiently) or is it generated as a series of instructions(series of bytecodes) by the compiler?
it is such a useful thing that I just have to put it into a toy language Im building
thank you very much
(links are more then welcome)
You can see what happen if compile some code
match(X) -> {a,Y} = X.
When you want see how looks like core
> c(match, to_core).
$ erlc +to_core match.erl
result is
module 'match' ['match'/1,
attributes []
'match'/1 =
%% Line 3
fun (_cor0) ->
case _cor0 of
<{'a',Y}> when 'true' ->
( <_cor1> when 'true' ->
primop 'match_fail'
-| ['compiler_generated'] )
'module_info'/0 =
fun () ->
call 'erlang':'get_module_info'
'module_info'/1 =
fun (_cor0) ->
call 'erlang':'get_module_info'
('match', _cor0)
If you want see asm code of beam you can do
> c(match, 'S').
$ erlc -S match.erl
and result
{module, match}. %% version = 0
{exports, [{match,1},{module_info,0},{module_info,1}]}.
{attributes, []}.
{labels, 8}.
{function, match, 1, 2}.
{function, module_info, 0, 5}.
{function, module_info, 1, 7}.
As you can see {test,is_tuple,...
, {test,test_arity,...
, {get_tuple_element,...
and {test,is_eq_exact,...
are instruction how this match is performed in beam and it's transformed directly to byte-code of beam.
Erlang compiler is implemented in Erlang itself and you can look at each phase of compilation in source code of compile module and details in depend modules.
A very good description of compiling pattern matching is given in "The implementation of functional programming languages" by Simon Peyton Jones. It is a bit old but a very good book. It also contains, amongst other things, a description of compiling list comprehensions.
The Erlang compiler uses both of these algorithms from the book.
If you want to build your own pattern matcher there is a paper by Scott and Ramsey and a paper by Luc Maranget which both describe how to compile patterns to efficient decision trees (aka nested switch statements).
The best thing I can suggest is to compile up some test functions and have a look at the generated code.
erlc -S test.erl
generates test.S which is fairly readable.
To answer the question, pattern matches are built up in an efficient way from more primitive operations. Here's part of the code from a function clause matching {X, [H|T]}.