I have set up a RoR environement on AWS' elastic beanstalk. I am able to ssh into my EC2 instance.
My home directory is /home/ec2-user, which is effectively empty.
If I move up a directory, there is also a /home/webapp directory that i do not have access to.
Is there a way to run a rake command or rails console on my elastic beanstalk instance?
If I type rails console I get Usage: rails new APP_PATH [options]
If I type RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console, I get "Could not locate Gemfile
For rails, jump to /var/app/current
then as @juanpastas said, run RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c
Don't know why, but since EBS runs everything as root, this worked for me:
sudo su
bundle exec rails c production
None of these solutions mentioned here worked for me, so I cooked up a little script that I put in script/aws-console.
You can run it from the /var/app/current directory as root:
eb ssh
cd /var/app/current
sudo script/aws-console
My script can be found as a Gist here.
None of the other answers worked for me so I went looking - this is working for me now on an elastic beanstalk 64bit amazon linux 2016.03 V2.1.2 ruby 2.2 (puma) stack
cd /var/app/current
sudo su
rake rails:update:bin
bundle exec rails console
that returns me the expected console
Loading production environment (Rails 4.2.6)
I like to create an eb_console
file at the root of my rails app, then chmod u+x
it. It contains the following:
ssh -t ec2-user@YOUR_EC2_STATION.compute.amazonaws.com 'cd /var/app/current && bin/rails c'
This way, I just have to run:
like I would have run heroku run bundle exec rails c
You have to find the folder with your Gemfile :p.
To do that, I would take a look in you web server config there should be a config that tells you where your app directory is.
Maybe you know where your app is.
But in case you don't know, I would give a try to:
grep -i your_app_name /etc/apache/*
grep -i your_app_name /etc/apache/sites-enabled/*
To search files containing your_app_name in Apache config.
Or if you are using nginx, replace apache
above by nginx
after you find application folder, cd into it and run RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c
Making sure that your application is configured to run in production in Apache or nginx configuration.
None of these were working for me, including the aws-console script. I finally ended up creating a script
directory in /var/app/current
and then creating a rails
file in that directory as outline by this answer on another SO question.
eb ssh myEnv
cd /var/app/current
sudo mkdir script
sudo vim script/rails
Add this to file and save:
echo #!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This command will automatically be run when you run "rails" with Rails 3 gems installed from the root of your application.
APP_PATH = File.expand_path('../../config/application', __FILE__)
require File.expand_path('../../config/boot', __FILE__)
require 'rails/commands'
Then make it executable and run it:
sudo chmod +x script/rails
sudo script/rails console
And it worked.