OpenID Connect providers [closed]

2019-01-31 04:28发布


We currently have an OpenID based Google AppEngine application.

We are now trying to integrate our application with our customers inhouse IT systems and see,hat OpenID is a quite complicated spec to implement.

We also see, that Google is moving in the direction of OpenID Connect (if you look at Google Drive).

Is there any other well known public OpenID Connect provider beside Google?


There's a list of implementations resulting from the OpenID Connect Interop 4 and another list based on published test results from the OpenID Connect test service run by UNINETT. From those two sources I extract the list below (both open and closed solutions, both OP and clients):

  • AOL
  • eBay
  • Edmund Jay
  • Emmanuel Raviart
  • Gluu
  • Google
  • Heroku
  • IBM
  • Layer 7
  • Mitre
  • Nov Matake
  • oic4us
  • Orange
  • Ping Identity
  • Roland Hedberg
  • Ryo Ito

Gluu has already been mentioned. Another implementation that looks interesting is eBay's. There is some documentation, but the GIT repository mentioned there didn't work for me.


There is a module I developed for nodejs here

This is an fully functional OAuth 2 server implementation, with support for OpenID Connect specification. Based on

To install do

npm install openid-connect

If you use expressjs, you could simply do

var oidc = require('openid-connect').oidc();

//load all middleware

app.get('/authorization', oidc.auth());

and you have your authorization endpoint.

Hope it helps.


A viable open source implementation for both client and server side OpenID Connect is MITREid Connect, which is based on Java, Spring, and Spring Security.


I'm also developing my own which is both an RP (using JASPIC) and OP (using JAX-RS) framework. Each can stand on its own (I have tested the RP against Google), but it is designed to work together.

I wrote it to limit as much dependencies as possible, it actually does not have any runtime dependencies outside of itself and a Java EE 7 container. Unfortunately that limits things for WebSphere as WebSphere does not support Java EE 7 as of yet.

UPDATE: the good part is that there is OpenID Connect Support in IBM WebSphere for those who need to be on WebSphere.


django-oidc-provider can help you providing out of the box all the endpoints, data and logic needed to add OpenID Connect capabilities to your Django projects.

Support for Python 3 and 2. Also latest versions of django.

View on GitHub:




Gluu has been one of the leading OpenID Connect Providers since interop 4 back in jan 2013 and its still one of the best. Also, its not just about implementing all the endpoints... The Shibboleth IDP is an excellent and comprehensive implemenation, but its a bear to manage. OX also provides an easy to use Web UI that makes administration of the OP a breeze. Check out more at or our wiki at !


In the mean time the list of providers in the OpenID Connect interop (number 5 now) has been extended see:

A list of developer libraries for OpenID Connect in various languages/environments can be found here:


OpenID Connect is still a bit of new. So finding a list of OpenID Connect providers will be a hard task.

If you're looking for an open source implementation of OpenID Connect you can check this out: