Template of the list is:
EmployeeList = [u'<EmpId>', u'<Name>', u'<Doj>', u'<Salary>']
I would like to convert from this
EmployeeList = [u'1001', u'Karick', u'14-12-2020', u'1$']
to this:
EmployeeList = ['1001', 'Karick', '14-12-2020', '1$']
After conversion, I am actually checking if "1001" exists in EmployeeList.values().
Encode each value in the list to a string:
[x.encode('UTF8') for x in EmployeeList]
You need to pick a valid encoding; don't use str()
as that'll use the system default (for Python 2 that's ASCII) which will not encode all possible codepoints in a Unicode value.
UTF-8 is capable of encoding all of the Unicode standard, but any codepoint outside the ASCII range will lead to multiple bytes per character.
However, if all you want to do is test for a specific string, test for a unicode string and Python won't have to auto-encode all values when testing for that:
u'1001' in EmployeeList.values()
[str(x) for x in EmployeeList]
would do a conversion, but it would fail if the unicode string characters do not lie in the ascii range.
>>> EmployeeList = [u'1001', u'Karick', u'14-12-2020', u'1$']
>>> [str(x) for x in EmployeeList]
['1001', 'Karick', '14-12-2020', '1$']
>>> EmployeeList = [u'1001', u'करिक', u'14-12-2020', u'1$']
>>> [str(x) for x in EmployeeList]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(128)
We can use map
print map(str, EmployeeList)
how about:
def fix_unicode(data):
if isinstance(data, unicode):
return data.encode('utf-8')
elif isinstance(data, dict):
data = dict((fix_unicode(k), fix_unicode(data[k])) for k in data)
elif isinstance(data, list):
for i in xrange(0, len(data)):
data[i] = fix_unicode(data[i])
return data
Just simply use this code
EmployeeList = eval(EmployeeList)
EmployeeList = [str(x) for x in EmployeeList]
Just use
unicode_to_list = list(EmployeeList)
There are several ways to do this. I converted like this
def clean(s):
s = s.replace("u'","")
return re.sub("[\[\]\'\s]", '', s)
EmployeeList = [clean(i) for i in str(EmployeeList).split(',')]
After that you can check
if '1001' in EmployeeList:
#do something
Hope it will help you.
You can do this by using json and ast modules as follows
>>> import json, ast
>>> EmployeeList = [u'1001', u'Karick', u'14-12-2020', u'1$']
>>> result_list = ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(EmployeeList))
>>> result_list
['1001', 'Karick', '14-12-2020', '1$']