Are there any face recognition algorithms written in the R statistical language? If not, please provide guidance on where I might start translating other algorithms to R.
Be sure to check out the update made on May 8, 2013. See below.
Here are a few links/thoughts to get you started:
Does it have to be in R? (There are other languages/packages that are inherently more suitable for image processing.
If R is mandatory, look into the EBImage (it has a pdf vignette) and raster packages. (
Where's Waldo? type exercises are always a good place to start if you are new to image processing. Here are is one R question in SO
Here's an actual R example that you will find really useful: "Finding a bright object" exercise in in.R()
Even though it is not in R per se read the responses to
using mathematica question in SO. Some of the ideas there are language-agnostic.
package is another good way to get started with "Image Processing with R."- Install the ReadImages package from cran. Documentation
Try out a couple of the functions, with some image on your machine. That's only way to learn.
img <- read.jpeg("abc.jpg)
Try out thergb2grey(img)
Also try theclipping()
Update 2: May 08, 2013
Kaggle has just published an excellent tutorial for Face Recognition in R (by James Petterson). It has many things going for it: A sample dataset, it doesn't use many esoteric libraries -- just reshape2 and doMC (optional unless you have a multi-core machine).
The Kaggle tutorial covers the idea of facepoints (left_eyebrow, nose tip etc), the idea of a 'mean' location for features and the concept of using image patches to improve recognition. I cannot think of a better link for this question. Be sure to check it out.
Hope these help you get started.