I'm struggling with setting up a login system for an app i'm creating.
I'm able to set cookies for when the user is logged in or out. I don't think that testing every view if the user is logged in is a very elegant solution, and i'm afraid a page here and there may fall through the cracks (it's a rather large app).
I'm thinking the best way would be to intercept route changes somehow and check if the user is logged in, otherwise send them to a login/create user page. I've found a few methods, but nothing seems to be officially documented. Has anyone used this type of method in a real world case, and was it effective?
My route file looks like this:
'use strict';
app.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
.when('/User/LoginUser', {templateUrl: 'views/user/login.html',controller: 'loginCtrl'})
....... more routes here.......
.otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});
Any help or suggestions, or points to documented real world examples of how I would do something like this would be greatly appreciated!