What is the naming convention for Scala constants? A brief search on StackOverflow suggestions uppercase CamelCase (the first line below), but I wanted to double-check.
val ThisIsAConstant = 1.23
val thisIsAThirdConstant = 1.94
Which is recommended Scala style?
The officially recommended style (and I do mean officially) is the first style, camel case with first letter are upper case. It's laid down clearly by Odersky on Programming in Scala.
The style is also followed by the standard library, and has some support in language semantics: identifiers starting with upper case are treated as constants in pattern matching.
(Section 6.10, p. 107 in the second edition)
(This is an addendum comment to Daniel's answer, but I'm posting it as an answer for the benefit of syntax highlighting and formatting.)
Daniel's point about the style of using an initial capital letter being important in the language semantics is more subtle and important than I originally gave it credit for when I learned Scala.
Consider the following code:
object Case {
val lowerConst = "lower"
val UpperConst = "UPPER"
def main(args: Array[String]) {
for (i <- Seq(lowerConst, UpperConst, "should mismatch.").map(Option.apply)) {
print("Input '%s' results in: ".format(i))
i match {
case Some(UpperConst) => println("UPPER!!!")
case Some(lowerConst) => println("lower!")
case _ => println("mismatch!")
Naively I would have expected that to reach all of the cases in the match. Instead it prints:
Input 'Some(lower)' results in: lower!
Input 'Some(UPPER)' results in: UPPER!!!
Input 'Some(should mismatch.)' results in: lower!
What's going on is that the case Some(lowerConst)
shadows the val lowerConst
and creates a local variable of the same name which will be populated any time a Some
containing a string is evaluated.
There are admittedly ways to work around it, but the simplest is to follow the style guide for constant naming.
If you can't follow the naming convention, then as @reggoodwin points out in the comments below, you can put the variable name in ticks, like so
case Some(`lowerConst`) => println("lower!")
Constant names should be in upper camel case. That is, if the member
is final, immutable and it belongs to a package object or an object,
it may be considered a constant .... Method, Value and variable names should be in lower camel case