I have a simple model:
class Reply < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :body
belongs_to :post
In my controller, I have a simple update method:
def update
@reply = Reply.find(params[:id])
if @reply.update_attributes!(params[:reply])
render :js => "alert('I am trying to update!')"
render :js => "alert('<%= @reply.errors %>')"
This doesn't throw an error, but neither does it actually update the reply. Instead, I get the "I am trying to update!" message, like everything worked. But when I reload the page and look at the reply, it has the same text. It hasn't actually been updated. If I replace update_attributes with:
@reply.update_column(:body, params[:reply][:body])
It works fine. If I use:
@reply.update_attribute(:body, params[:reply][:body])
It once again doesn't work. Any idea what's going?
In my log, I have this:
Started PUT "/posts/2/replies/20" for at 2013-01-19 10:39:57 -0600
Processing by RepliesController#update as JS
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"Xot7E+ldXiBm0hVvw5XUP/U5guJU2g8e4QaLbDVGzDE=", "reply"=>{"body"=>"Updated text."}, "commit"=>"Submit Revision", "post_id"=>"2", "id"=>"20"
[1m[35mUser Load (1.0ms)[0m SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
[1m[36mReply Load (0.0ms)[0m [1mSELECT `replies`.* FROM `replies` WHERE `replies`.`id` = 20 LIMIT 1[0m
[1m[35m (1.0ms)[0m BEGIN
[1m[36mPost Load (0.0ms)[0m [1mSELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1[0m
[1m[35m (0.0ms)[0m COMMIT
Rendered replies/_reply_content.html.erb (502.0ms)
Rendered replies/update.js.erb (505.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 849ms (Views: 484.0ms | ActiveRecord: 94.0ms)