Bitbucket: Update a fork to merge changes of maste

2019-01-30 08:42发布


I am working with a bitbucket git repo I have read-only access to, so I created a fork to work on my features.

Question: How do I update my fork to include changes made to the original repo made by the owner?

On github, it seems one has to do the following, so I suspect it's a similar to this:

 $ git remote add upstream git://
 $ git fetch upstream
 $ git merge upstream/master

I couldn't find any information on this in the Bitbucket Documentation for forking


Just like GitHub, you have to pull the commits down to your own machine, merge, and then push them back to your fork on Bitbucket.

If you go to your fork on Bitbucket you can click "compare fork" to get to a page where you see incoming and outgoing commits. If you go to the "incoming" tab, you will see instructions like

$ git remote add <remote_name><upstream>/<repo>.git
$ git fetch <remote_name>
$ git checkout master
$ git merge <remote_name>/master

which correspond closely to the GitHub instructions.


  1. Goto your fork on bitbucket
  2. Click the Branches menu from the left navigation pane
  3. Click on the "..." button to the right of the branch and select "Compare". Or, in the url add the word “compare”. So that the URL looks like this:<user name>/<fork name>/branches/compare
  4. Click on the switch icon (black up/down arrows between the branch segments) so that the blue arrow is pointing into your fork
  5. Select the correct branches in your fork and the owner's repo
  6. Click Compare
  7. Click Merge