
Use different Procfile in development and producti

2019-01-30 05:48发布


I have a homemade Sinatra application for which I intend to use Heroku to host it.

I use foreman and shotgun in development, with the following Procfile:

web: shotgun config.ru -s thin -o -p $PORT -E $RACK_ENV

It works great with both development and production. But the thing is, I don't want to use shotgun in production since it's too slow.

Can we use separate Procfile configurations for both dev and prod?


You could use two Procfiles (e.g. Procfile and Procfile.dev) and use foremans -f option to select a different one to use in dev:

In dev (Procfile.dev contains your shotgun web process):

foreman start -f Procfile.dev

In production, foreman start will pick up the normal Procfile.

Alternatively you could create a bin directory in your app with a script to start the appropriate web server depending on $RACK_ENV (an idea I found in a comment made by the creator of Foreman, so worth considering).


Here is a way to handle it with one Procfile and environment variables. I am using this on Heroku.

Set your environment:

export WEB_START_COMMAND='node index.js'
export WORKER_START_COMMAND='node worker.js'

The Procfile:

web: eval '$WEB_START_COMMAND'
worker: eval '$WORKER_START_COMMAND'

Export different start command in your server and dev environments.


@sharagoz 's comment on the selected answer, in my opinion, is the best option to allow you to still use foreman start without adding additional arguments AND keep your Procfile separate for Heroku.

To avoid the -f Procfile.dev parameter you can create a .foreman file with procfile: Procfile.dev in it – Sharagoz

In my applications root directory I created a .foreman file and as the comment states


procfile: Procfile.dev


web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb


web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
webpacker: ./bin/webpack-dev-server