MongoDB has a very nice Geospatial Indexing feature. How can I use it in Rails with Mongoid?
You can define geo indexes like this in mongoid
class Item
include Mongoid::Document
field :loc, :type => Array
[:loc, Mongo::GEO2D]
], background: true
And for queries
$near command (without maxDistance)
location = [80.24958300000003, 13.060422]
items = Item.where(:loc => {"$near" => location})
$near command (with maxDistance)
distance = 10 #km
location = [80.24958300000003, 13.060422]
items = Item.where(:loc => {"$near" => location , '$maxDistance' => distance.fdiv(111.12)})
Convert distance by 111.12 (one degree is approximately 111.12 kilometers) when using km, or leave distance as it is on using degree
$centerSphere / $nearSphere queries
location = [80.24958300000003, 13.060422]
items = Item.where(:loc => {"$within" => {"$centerSphere" => [location, (distance.fdiv(6371) )]}})
This will find the items within the 10 km radius. Here we need to convert the distance/6371(earth radius) to get it work with km.
$box (bounding box queries)
first_loc = [80.24958300000003, 13.060422]
second_loc = [81.24958300000003, 12.060422]
items = Item.where(:loc => {"$within" => {"$box" => [first_loc, second_loc]}})
This will help you to find the items within the given bounding box.
RameshVel's answer is great.
As an update, in Mongoid 3.0.4, I had to define the index as follows to make it work with rake db:mongoid:create_indexes
{ loc: Mongo::GEO2D },
{ background: true }
All those answers are a outdated with newest versions of MongoDB and will throw some uninitialized constant Mongo::GEO2D
For mongoid 4/5, I suggest you have look at the mongoid-geospatial gem if you need to play with 2D Objects or coordinates.