what tokens do you find useful in visual studio?
(visual studio 2010 → environment → task list → tokens)
currently i have only:
- HACK - low
- REVIEW - high
- TODO - normal
- WTF - high
(only these - deleted some default ones)
are you using any others?
are you covering any other important thing with comment tokens?
any best practices? thnx
I've done a combination of most of the above tokens.
RED: code that simply does not work / compile
// Error - This code is throwing a specific reproducible error.
// Broken - This code is broken and will not run.
ORANGE: code that works but is not right
// Hack - This code has intentionally been hacked in order to work. Should not go into production.
// FixMe - This code works but could be better. Needs better abstraction, maintainability, performance, etc.
// Bug - This code works and was expected to be right but a bug has been found. (usually flagged post production)
// Review - This code is probably right but should be reviewed for piece of mind.
// Smells - Same as FixMe
BLUE: code that works but either needs more features or more explaining
// Todo - Functionality is not yet implemented
// Note - Better explain what's going on. This is gives a higher profile to standard comments, and allows notes to be found in the to-do pane.
Another built-in is NOTE.
I like the Token REMOVE, indicating that it's only in for testing, and should not be included in the final release
Vim automatically highlights XXX
, which happens to be my token of choice for the ease of typing it.
Sun's (old) Java coding conventions have this to say:
in a comment to flag something that is bogus but works. Use FIXME
to flag something that is bogus and broken.