I have a CENTRAL bare repository that has three developer repositories pulling and pushing to it normally.
I also have two other repositories that pull from the CENTRAL bare repo: one is the live server, and the other is a test/stage server—each pulling from its own respective branch.
The scenario is this: I have a post-update
hook script on the CENTRAL repo that automatically accesses the test and live repos and runs a pull command on each. This updates both test and live servers, all depending on what branch has new commits. This all works great.
The problem is this: there may be times in an emergency that files may be directly updated on the server (via ftp or whatever) and the CENTRAL post-update script will then fail since merge/overwrite conflicts will occur. There is no way to avoid this scenario, and it is inevitable.
What I would like to have happen is this: I want the pull from the live and test sites to always overwrite/merge on pull. Always. These repos will be pull-only as they are not for development.
In all my research, I cannot find a good solution to have a pull always force an overwrite of the local files. Is this at all possible? It would make for a great development scenario if so.
Really the ideal way to do this is to not use pull
at all, but instead fetch
and reset
git fetch origin master
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
git clean -df
(Altering master
to whatever branch you want to be following.)
is designed around merging changes together in some way, whereas reset
is designed around simply making your local copy match a specific commit.
You may want to consider slightly different options to clean
depending on your system's needs.
You could try this:
git reset --hard HEAD
git pull
(from How do I force "git pull" to overwrite local files?)
Another idea would be to delete the entire git and make a new clone.
I'm not sure how to do it in one command but you could do something like:
git reset --hard
git pull
or even
git stash
git pull
To pull a copy of the branch and force overwrite of local files from the origin use:
git reset --hard origin/current_branch
All current work will be lost and it will then be the same as the origin branch
git reset --hard HEAD
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/your_branch
You can change the hook to wipe everything clean.
# Danger! Wipes local data!
# Remove all local changes to tracked files
git reset --hard HEAD
# Remove all untracked files and directories
git clean -dfx
git pull ...
If you haven't commit the local changes yet since the last pull/clone, you can use:
git checkout *
git pull
will clear your local changes with the last local commit, and
will sincronize it to the remote repository