i found an sdk here:
i tried to run the code both on device and simulator but it shows only white screen and nothing else
i also tried this without result token:
.append("&next=http://www.facebook.com/connect/prompt_permissions.php?api_key=" + "api_key" + "&display=popup&v=1.0&next=http://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html?xxRESULTTOKENxx&fbconnect=true&ext_perm=read_stre...")
but no success
i also tried this without result token:
StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer()
i dont have result token
how to get that????
Plzzzzzzzz help
Please use the latest SDK at here instead. You should be able to follow the short tutorial on the same page as well.
Download graph api from http://sourceforge.net/projects/facebook-bb-sdk/.
After that you have to add two thinks.
one is when you want to post a photo to your friends wall ,you have to put one more key-value in the JSONObject(Request) - that is requestObject.put("target_id",getid()) in publisePhoto method facebookuser.java & facebook.java
Second is you have to change
JSONObject responseObject = fb.write(getId() + "/photos", requestObject, pPhoto.getMIMEType(), imageData, true);
JSONObject responseObject = fb.write(getId() + "/photos?access_token="+Facebook.token, requestObject, pPhoto.getMIMEType(), imageData, true);in FacebookUser.java & Facebook.java
where token is Static string from Facebook.java and store the value of access_token (you have to add it)
i think before you start with sample codes.
you need to study some of the links.
OAuth 2.0
facebook developer documents
after that you can get
client_id and client_secret from this link