We are writing log files to File.applicationDirectory and want to clean out old log files. The question is how do you delete files out of that directory? When I try and delete old log files out of this directory it gives a security exception. Is there anyway around this?
I know you are not supposed to write to File.applicationDirectory, but we are writting are logs there anyways. So please don't just say don't do that!
File.applicationDirectory is a read only directory.
Another trick, for security workaround
var fileLoc:File= File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("some.log");
var file:File=new File(fileLoc.nativePath);
The second file object can alter the file withot any problem.
I found the answer shortly after posting. I was looking in FileTarget of how they write the log file into the application directory and found this gem:
var logFile:File = this._logDirectory.resolvePath(filename);
logFile = new File(logFile.nativePath); // Hack to get around SecurityError if log directory exists within the application directory
So you just specify the full native path and not a relative path from the application directory and you can do whatever you want. Interesting security model!