aggregating with a condition in groupby spark data

2019-01-29 12:46发布


I have a dataframe

id lat long lag_lat lag_long detector lag_interval  gpsdt  lead_gpsdt
  1  12   13    12       13        1        [1.5,3.5]  4      4.5
  1  12   13    12       13        1        null       4.5    5
  1  12   13    12       13        1        null       5      5.5
  1  12   13    12       13        1        null       5.5    6
  1  13   14    12       13        2        null       6      6.5
  1  13   14    13       14        2        null       6.5    null
  2  13   14    13       14        2        [0.5,1.5]  2.5    3.5  
  2  13   14    13       14        2        null       3.5    4 
  2  13   14    13       14        2        null       4      null

so I wanted to apply a condition while using groupby in agg function that if we do groupby col("id") and col("detector") then I want to check the condition that if lag_interval in that group has any non-null value then in aggregation I want two columns one is

 min("lag_interval.col1") and other is max("lead_gpsdt") 

If the above condition is not met then I want

min("gpsdt"), max("lead_gpsdt")

using this approach I want to get the data with a condition

    last("lat-long").alias("end_coordinate"),struct(min("gpsdt"), max("lead_gpsdt")).as("interval"))


  id interval  start_coordinate end_coordinate
  1   [1.5,6]      [12,13]         [13,14] 
  1   [6,6.5]      [13,14]         [13,14]
  2   [0.5,4]      [13,14]         [13,14]


for more explanation

** if we see a part of what groupby("id","detector") does is taking a part out,

we have to see that if in that group of data if one of the value in the col("lag_interval") is not null then we need to use aggregation like this min(lag_interval.col1),max(lead_gpsdt) this condition will apply to below set of data

id lat long lag_lat lag_long detector lag_interval  gpsdt  lead_gpsdt
 1  12   13    12       13        1        [1.5,3.5]  4      4.5
 1  12   13    12       13        1        null       4.5    5
 1  12   13    12       13        1        null       5      5.5
 1  12   13    12       13        1        null       5.5    6

and if the all value of col("lag_interval") is null in that group of data then we need aggregation output as min("gpsdt"),max("lead_gpsdt") this condition will apply to below set of data

id lat long lag_lat lag_long detector lag_interval  gpsdt  lead_gpsdt
 1  13   14    12       13        2        null       6      6.5
 1  13   14    13       14        2        null       6.5    null


The conditional dilemma that you have should be solved by using simple when inbuilt function as suggested below

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
      when(isnull(min("lag_interval.col1")), min("gpsdt")).otherwise(min("lag_interval.col1")).as("min"),

which should give you output as

|id |detector|interval  |
|2  |2       |[0.5, 4.0]|
|1  |2       |[6.0, 6.5]|
|1  |1       |[1.5, 6.0]|

and I guess you must already have idea how to do first("lat-long").alias("start_coordinate"), last("lat-long").alias("end_coordinate") as you have done.

I hope the answer is helpful