Naming(toString) Lambda-Expressions for Debugging

2019-01-29 12:48发布


Sometimes it is usefull to name lambdas. Especially when you pass them around as parameter.

A realy simple example is

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Predicate<String> p = nameIt("isNotEmpty", (s) ->  !s.trim().isEmpty());
        maybePrint("Hello", p);
        maybePrint("    ", p);

    static <T> void maybePrint(T s, Predicate<T> pred) {
        if (pred.test(s)) {
        } else {
            System.err.println(pred + " says no to \"" + s + "\"");

It would be nice to have some functionality by the jvm to name lambdas without loosing the great performance optimizations behind the scenes.

Somethink like this would be fine for me:

Predicate<String> p = nameIt("isNotEmpty", (s) -> !s.trim().isEmpty());


Here's an alternative that comes to mind:

static <T> Predicate<T> nameIt(String name, Predicate<? super T> pred) {
    return new Predicate<T>() {
        public String toString() { return name; }
        public boolean test(T t) { return pred.test(t); }

This seems pretty simple. Although I haven't benchmarked it, it seems like it ought to be pretty fast. It adds a single object and one method call, and it avoids boxing/unboxing overhead.

The drawback is that you have to write a little function like this for every functional interface for which you want to provide named instances.


This is my solution(inspired from the solution of andersschuller at for the problem. There maybe some corner cases(Classloading) where this implementation does not work, but for the most simple cases it works.

I have created a small performance test of this with my limited jmh knowledge:

The "Named"-results are measured for the implementation of the answer of @stuartmarks Naming(toString) Lambda-Expressions for Debugging purpose

# Run complete. Total time: 00:40:31

Benchmark                        Mode  Cnt          Score         Error  Units
MyBenchmark.testNamedPredicate  thrpt  200   45938970,625 ±  615390,483  ops/s
MyBenchmark.testPredicate       thrpt  200   23062083,641 ±  154933,675  ops/s
MyBenchmark.testPredicateReal   thrpt  200   48308347,165 ±  395810,356  ops/s
MyBenchmark.testToString        thrpt  200  138366708,182 ± 1177786,195  ops/s
MyBenchmark.testToStringNamed   thrpt  200  252872229,907 ± 8044289,516  ops/s
MyBenchmark.testToStringReal    thrpt  200    6670148,202 ±   40200,984  ops/s

As you can see it is roughly 2 times slower than using an unnamed lambda. So be carefull in setting -DnamedLambdasEnabled=true. Interessting for me is that it is surprisingly expensive to call toString on an Real-lambda. Maybe someone can explain that, or my jmh-test is stupid.

Here is the code:

 * Helper Class to give lambda a name ("toString") for debugging purpose
public class LambdaNamer {

    private static Method TO_STRING;

    static {
        try {
            TO_STRING = Object.class.getMethod("toString");
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("There is something rotten in state of denmark!");

     * Overrides toString "Method" for a given lambda.
     * @param name toString result of lambda
     * @param obj the lambda to encapsulate
     * @return the named lambda
    public static <T> T nameIt(String name, T obj) {
        if (Boolean.getBoolean("namedLambdasEnabled")) {
            Class<T> clazz = (Class<T>) obj.getClass();
            Class<?>[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();

            return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(//
                    interfaces, //
                    (Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) -> {
                        if (TO_STRING.equals(method)) {
                            return name;
                        } else {
                            return method.invoke(obj, args);
        } else {
            return obj;

Do you have other solutions? Maybe something that does not have performance implications?