AspectJ LTW in eclipse - Pointcut does not work wi

2019-01-29 12:21发布


I have an Aspect class, which defines one point-cut expression as below

public void myTraceCall() {}

where the executeTasks() method is static. If the method is made to non-static, the method body is executed on every call of executeTasks(). Why is my pointcut not effective on static methods?

I'm using LTW and not spring.


I just tried out your pointcut expression and it works on both static and non-static methods just as it should. I used AspectJ weaver 1.8.7. Try adding -showWeaveInfo and -verbose to your aop.xml for debug info on LTW.

<!DOCTYPE aspectj PUBLIC "-//AspectJ//DTD//EN" "">
    <weaver options="-showWeaveInfo -verbose">
        <include within="q35218146..*" />
        <aspect name="q35218146.Aspect35218146"/>

It should give you output on stderr similar to this:

[AppClassLoader@14dad5dc] weaveinfo Join point 'method-execution(void q35218146.
Test35218146.executeTasks())' in Type 'q35218146.Test35218146' ( 
advised by before advice from 'q35218146.Aspect35218146' (